Thursday 12 April 2012

27. First draft Contents

This is my first attempt at a contents page. I decided that it would be easier to complete the rest of my work on publisher, this is because i do not have a 'Mac' at home.

The background is an image of a male indie singer, playing his guitar to a large festival audience. I liked how the artist was the focal point of the image and how the audience was blurred. I felt that this would work well alongside the contents and uptain the quirky character that i wanted the magazine to have. I designed the contents so that it was in an orderly list down the left hand side of the page, this not only makes is easy for readers to identify what is included in the magazine, but also keeps inline with the 'sleek' theme i wanted it to have.

To ensure that there was continuity, i made certain that i carried on the colour scheme i used on the cover, this makes the magazine look professional and orderly. Secondly i made sure that i used the same font that i used for my title as i did writing 'contents'.
When writing what was included in the magazine i looked back at the Focus Groups i had done previously. The questions i asked provided me with answers that benifited me when creating the contents, they provided me with an insight of what a possible reader would want and expect from an indie music magazine.
I also added a 'letter from the editor' as after looking through magazines, i found that this was common and gave the magazine a personal and friendly touch.

Overall i am happy with this contents page, however i still think that i will be able to improve it in the time it takes me to do my second and final drafts.
Looking back at the colour scheme i've used, i've realised that i'm not very fond of it. I feel as though the connotations of bright summery colours link to much to girls and pop. I'm going to aim to change it in my second draft.
Creating this contents page has sparked off loads of ideas that i would like to try and see if they'd work as partof my second draft.

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