You would want a successful company distributing the product. After previously looking at media institutions, i found that 'Bauer' have been extremely successful at producing and distributing magazines.They are one of the biggest organisations in this industry with headquarters in many countries.Magazines of a similar genre to mine have been distributed by this company. An example of this could be 'Kerrang'. This would add to the reason as to why i think this would be a good company to distribute my magazine. I think this would be the best choice because this company distributes a wide range of both niche and broadcast magazines, it would have the experience and ability to distribute mine. The fact that they bring at least 38 million magazines to life per week.
Another approach to distributing the magazine could be through the internet. Magazines often have websites where readers can interact with the magzine, read more and put their opinion across. Having a website for the magazine also provides the opportunity for readers to subscribe, these can often be seen in pop ups or beside an offer to get something free if you do.
Social Networking sites would allw readers to talk to other readers. You can set up a account or page dedicated to the magazine and be able to directly tell fans or people who come across the site about the next issues exclusive interview, freebies or subscription offers. It would be a great way to target my audience as teenagers are known for their constant networking!
Finally, another great place to distribute a magazine is in a news agents or shop. Places such as WHSmith are known for selling almost everykind of magazine there is, and thousands of people go to supermarkets such as Asda every day.
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