Wednesday 18 April 2012

29. First Draft - Double Page Spread

This is my first attempt at a double page spread. I tried to conform with typical conventions that you would expect to see in a music magazine. I began by looking through magazines and considering which features did and did not work well. I found that most double page spreads included an iconic artist of the genre, this is why i have included the famous indie artist, Ed Sheeran in my piece.
Its was obvious that i had to continue the colour scheme i has used throughout, so i picked similar colours to my contents and cover. However i wanted my back ground to be quirky, so i chose a mint green that had a crinkled tissue paper effect. In addition i also used the fonts that i had included in my other pieces.
For continuity i made sure that i included the grey i used in the title on the first page, on the second page too, i feel as though it makes it look professional.
I felt that it was important to include logo's of festival in this, this is because i know that readers can look at the pages and know what the article is about without having to read it through.
So that it was visually appealing i ensured that i used plenty of images, this will catch the readers attention and reflect the feel that i want my magazine to have.
On my second draft i want to improve how the text is layed out.

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