Thursday 19 April 2012

32. Second Draft - Double Page Spread

This is my second attempt at a Double Page Spread.I aimed to change the layout so that it was easier to focus on the text.
I feel as though i have made better use of the space on the pages. This is because i have moved the title; 'Your Festival Guide' to the centre of the page, whilst moving the festival features around it.
To heighten the idea of my magazine relating to a Scrap Book, i changed the back ground to a brown, arty looking piece of paper. I think this works well. In addition i think that it looks like my artical is personal, because of the scrapbook theme and because i have chosen a font that looks like hand writing.
When doing my second draft i found that the layout meant i had to comprimise. I had to get rid of the 'your vote' box and also the twitter and facebook icons.
I think that this draft can easily be related to Indie style, the colours and font have connotations of the genre.

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