Saturday 28 April 2012


My evaluation questions are in a different order to those in my booklet. This is because of the different means of media i have used, so some posts took longer to upload than others.

Q- Who would be the audience of you media product?

Q- Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Q- How did you attract and address your audience?

I took a video of a friend who had the characteristics of my target audience, i asked him about his first thoughts upon seeing my magazine

Q-what have you learnt about technologies from the process of creating your product?

Q-how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Q-In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Q- What Kind Of Media Institution May Distribute Your Product?

Bauer Verlagsgruppe logo2.png
You would want a successful company distributing the product. After previously looking at media institutions, i found that 'Bauer' have been extremely successful at producing and distributing magazines.They are one of the biggest organisations in this industry with headquarters in many countries.Magazines of a similar genre to mine have been distributed by this company. An example of this could be 'Kerrang'. This would add to the reason as to why i think this would be a good company to distribute my magazine. I think this would be the best choice because this company distributes a wide range of both niche and broadcast magazines, it would have the experience and ability to distribute mine. The fact that they bring at least 38 million magazines to life per week.

Another approach to distributing the magazine could be through the internet. Magazines often have websites where readers can interact with the magzine, read more and put their opinion across. Having  a website for the magazine also provides the opportunity for readers to subscribe, these can often be seen in pop ups or beside an offer to get something free if you do.

Social Networking sites would allw readers to talk to other readers. You can set up a account or page dedicated to the magazine and be able to directly tell fans or people who come across the site about the next issues exclusive interview, freebies or subscription offers. It would be a great way to target my audience as teenagers are known for their constant networking!

Finally, another great place to distribute a magazine is in a news agents or shop. Places such as WHSmith are known for selling almost everykind of magazine there is, and thousands of people go to supermarkets such as Asda every day.

Monday 23 April 2012

35. Final draft - Double Page Spread

This is my final double page spread, at first i couldnt decide whether to improve my first draft or second. But i decided that the second fell more line with the 'house style' i have created. I changed the photo of the singer to an original one from a concert i went to. Doing this meant i had to fiddle with the placing of the title but i have managed to figure out how to fit everything in.

34. Final Draft - Contents

Again i was happy with my second draft so i only changed it slightly. I brightened the picture in the background so that it didnt look at dark, i think this gives it a more uplifting feel. I also added more colour, this is because i wanted it to look appealing and more noticeable.

33. Final Draft - Cover

I was happy with the cover i made for myy second draft, so i only changed it slightly when making my final cover. I have englarged the image of my model slightly, and i have also moved it to the right. This is so that it looks like my model it looking at the text down the left hand side of the page. I moved the 'win v fest tickets' captiom more towards the bottom of the page so that it looked more organised and not as though it was randomly placed. I finally added a issue number because it makes it look more realistic and professional.

Thursday 19 April 2012

32. Second Draft - Double Page Spread

This is my second attempt at a Double Page Spread.I aimed to change the layout so that it was easier to focus on the text.
I feel as though i have made better use of the space on the pages. This is because i have moved the title; 'Your Festival Guide' to the centre of the page, whilst moving the festival features around it.
To heighten the idea of my magazine relating to a Scrap Book, i changed the back ground to a brown, arty looking piece of paper. I think this works well. In addition i think that it looks like my artical is personal, because of the scrapbook theme and because i have chosen a font that looks like hand writing.
When doing my second draft i found that the layout meant i had to comprimise. I had to get rid of the 'your vote' box and also the twitter and facebook icons.
I think that this draft can easily be related to Indie style, the colours and font have connotations of the genre.

31. Second Draft - Contents

The second draft of my contents is similar to my first, this is because i felt i was close to achieving what i wanted with my first draft. I think having a box down the side relates to the 'sleek' and simplistic feel i wanted my magazine to have.
I have changed the colour scheme however, this is because i felt that the pinks and purples used in my first draft were too feminine and didn't relate very well to my genre.
I have also made the box slightly translucent, i think this allows you to view the contents all as one piece, rather than just a picture and list. I have also added the magazine website to the contents page, this is because i noticed it in a magazine i annalysed.
In addition, i have changed the background picture. I didnt want the cover and contents images to look the same so i chose this one. I like the idea seeing my model from the front and then the back.
To improve i would try to brighten the picture some more. When i took it the weather was bad so the lighting is awful. I would also try to make the title 'Contents' stand out more.

30.Second Draft - Front Cover

This is my second attempt at a front cover. When comparing my first and second draft i think that i have improved it alot. I think it now clearly shows that its a music magazine related to the Indie genre. This is because i chose a model that fitted in with the stereotype of Indie listeners, i also used a guitar as a prop to show the type of music.
I chose a wooded are as a background because it reminds me of music festivals. I also remembered that Indie music fans are stereotypically out going so i thought it would be best to take my photos out side.
So that the magazine looks professional, i chose a clear colour scheme and made sure that the font was continuous. In addition i have also added a barcode and the date of the magazines release in corners of the cover.
Ive placed the text where it is due to my background, although most of it is on the left side i feel that it balances it out so that the cover doesnt look too busy.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

29. First Draft - Double Page Spread

This is my first attempt at a double page spread. I tried to conform with typical conventions that you would expect to see in a music magazine. I began by looking through magazines and considering which features did and did not work well. I found that most double page spreads included an iconic artist of the genre, this is why i have included the famous indie artist, Ed Sheeran in my piece.
Its was obvious that i had to continue the colour scheme i has used throughout, so i picked similar colours to my contents and cover. However i wanted my back ground to be quirky, so i chose a mint green that had a crinkled tissue paper effect. In addition i also used the fonts that i had included in my other pieces.
For continuity i made sure that i included the grey i used in the title on the first page, on the second page too, i feel as though it makes it look professional.
I felt that it was important to include logo's of festival in this, this is because i know that readers can look at the pages and know what the article is about without having to read it through.
So that it was visually appealing i ensured that i used plenty of images, this will catch the readers attention and reflect the feel that i want my magazine to have.
On my second draft i want to improve how the text is layed out.

Thursday 12 April 2012

28. First Draft Contents edited

When taking a few more original photos, i decided to include some with my model holding a guitar. This is because i used it in my first draft and decided that it provided an obvious link to chosen genre.

27. First draft Contents

This is my first attempt at a contents page. I decided that it would be easier to complete the rest of my work on publisher, this is because i do not have a 'Mac' at home.

The background is an image of a male indie singer, playing his guitar to a large festival audience. I liked how the artist was the focal point of the image and how the audience was blurred. I felt that this would work well alongside the contents and uptain the quirky character that i wanted the magazine to have. I designed the contents so that it was in an orderly list down the left hand side of the page, this not only makes is easy for readers to identify what is included in the magazine, but also keeps inline with the 'sleek' theme i wanted it to have.

To ensure that there was continuity, i made certain that i carried on the colour scheme i used on the cover, this makes the magazine look professional and orderly. Secondly i made sure that i used the same font that i used for my title as i did writing 'contents'.
When writing what was included in the magazine i looked back at the Focus Groups i had done previously. The questions i asked provided me with answers that benifited me when creating the contents, they provided me with an insight of what a possible reader would want and expect from an indie music magazine.
I also added a 'letter from the editor' as after looking through magazines, i found that this was common and gave the magazine a personal and friendly touch.

Overall i am happy with this contents page, however i still think that i will be able to improve it in the time it takes me to do my second and final drafts.
Looking back at the colour scheme i've used, i've realised that i'm not very fond of it. I feel as though the connotations of bright summery colours link to much to girls and pop. I'm going to aim to change it in my second draft.
Creating this contents page has sparked off loads of ideas that i would like to try and see if they'd work as partof my second draft.