It is very important for me to take a step back and think about what i actually want my magazine to look like and represent. After feed back on the front cover of my first draft, i have realised that it does not look or resemble what i want it to. I want my next draft to appeal to a wider audience and relate to my music genre more. It is important that i spend some time taking into consideration two of the 'four f's' that i have mentioned previously, as they will benefit me when making my second draft.
Function- The purpose of my magazine is to inform an entertain my readers. Looking back at the focus groups i did previously it is clear what my readers would like to see. Examples could be, exclusive interviews with artists that they admire, Information about music events that appeal to them such as festivals and idie gigs and gossip about artists. I love the connototations of randomness shown on the covers of NME and Kerrang, i want to show this on my magazine, so that it almost has a 'scrapbook' feel to the reader. This will provide a personal and friendly feel. However I also want it to have a 'sleek' feel, as the title i have chosen 'indique' has connotations of this.
Format- I feel as though magazines that are filled with lots of images are more appealling to readers, It attracts the readers eye and allows them to be entertained and interested without a lot of effort. I want articles such as interviews to look attractive but still serve a purpose, I'm going to consider a range of layouts for my double page spread so that it doesnt seem too boring or purposeless.
Overall, i want my magazine to look quirky but still professional, the colour scheme and layout will be extremely important in reflecting this. To show the 'sleek' feel, i want pages to be simple and not too busy. It's also so important that my magazine reflects conventional Indie ideologies. Im going to try a range of layouts so that i can see which works best for my magazine.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
25. Front cover First Draft
Front cover First Draft

This is my first draft for the cover of my magazine. Making this draft has made me realise how much effort is needed to create a cover.
I decided not to use the photos i took for backgrounds as part of the recce blog post. This is because i felt as though it was generic and unoriginal. Instead i have chosen an image of New York skyscrapers and then edited my model onto the cover. I liked the idea of editing one image onto another to create a whole new one, there's so much variety and choice with pictures you can create. However i found that the process of cutting my model out was long and tricky, i struggled to 'cut out' the edges so that they looked smooth rather then untidy against the background. I don't think i will use a city scape background for my final cover as it's hard to relate to the genre and distracts from the model.
Taking photos has given me an idea of the image i want to portray on the cover of my magazine. I've decided that i don't want to do my final photos on school grounds, as i think they are plain and uninteresting.
I wanted my cover to have a friendly,upbeat feel. I think i have achieved this through the colour scheme i have used. Pinks,oranges and mint relate to 'ice cream colours', which has connotations of summer and therefore music festivals. Although, as i have chosen a female model and feminine colours, i don't this magazine would appeal to a male audience. I want to use darker colours throughout my second draft so that i can compare what looks best for my final piece. I have realised its important to consider the colour scheme when choosing the cover photo. I noticed this when applying text to the image thats my background on my cover, its hard for the text to stand out when the colours in the background aren't consistant. In addition i chose colours that worked well with the clothing of my model so that they didnt clash and a professional feel remained.
When deciding on the model for my cover i had to consider what would appeal to my target audience. In the focus groups they mentioned wanting to see someone they idolise on the cover. I decided to pick an attractive girl to pose as a singer.
A possibility to win things was another thing mentioned by my focus group. I decided to make this a feature on my cover so it appealed to the audience and persuade them to purchase the magazine.
I decided on the name 'Indique' so that the words 'Indie' and 'Unique' were combined. This highlights the connotations of Indie music, a different style that stands out.
When doing the second draft of my cover i think the structure and style will improve alot. I'm going to reinvent the colour scheme and take a different route with the cover.

This is my first draft for the cover of my magazine. Making this draft has made me realise how much effort is needed to create a cover.
I decided not to use the photos i took for backgrounds as part of the recce blog post. This is because i felt as though it was generic and unoriginal. Instead i have chosen an image of New York skyscrapers and then edited my model onto the cover. I liked the idea of editing one image onto another to create a whole new one, there's so much variety and choice with pictures you can create. However i found that the process of cutting my model out was long and tricky, i struggled to 'cut out' the edges so that they looked smooth rather then untidy against the background. I don't think i will use a city scape background for my final cover as it's hard to relate to the genre and distracts from the model.
Taking photos has given me an idea of the image i want to portray on the cover of my magazine. I've decided that i don't want to do my final photos on school grounds, as i think they are plain and uninteresting.
I wanted my cover to have a friendly,upbeat feel. I think i have achieved this through the colour scheme i have used. Pinks,oranges and mint relate to 'ice cream colours', which has connotations of summer and therefore music festivals. Although, as i have chosen a female model and feminine colours, i don't this magazine would appeal to a male audience. I want to use darker colours throughout my second draft so that i can compare what looks best for my final piece. I have realised its important to consider the colour scheme when choosing the cover photo. I noticed this when applying text to the image thats my background on my cover, its hard for the text to stand out when the colours in the background aren't consistant. In addition i chose colours that worked well with the clothing of my model so that they didnt clash and a professional feel remained.
When deciding on the model for my cover i had to consider what would appeal to my target audience. In the focus groups they mentioned wanting to see someone they idolise on the cover. I decided to pick an attractive girl to pose as a singer.
A possibility to win things was another thing mentioned by my focus group. I decided to make this a feature on my cover so it appealed to the audience and persuade them to purchase the magazine.
I decided on the name 'Indique' so that the words 'Indie' and 'Unique' were combined. This highlights the connotations of Indie music, a different style that stands out.
When doing the second draft of my cover i think the structure and style will improve alot. I'm going to reinvent the colour scheme and take a different route with the cover.
Monday, 26 March 2012
24. Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Being able to take photos for a draft magazine has enabled me to gather ideas on what i want my final piece to look like. I can analyse the positive and negative aspects of my photos and then improve. However i have to remember to complete a risk assessment before hand so that everyone is safe and everything runs to plan.
Being able to take photos for a draft magazine has enabled me to gather ideas on what i want my final piece to look like. I can analyse the positive and negative aspects of my photos and then improve. However i have to remember to complete a risk assessment before hand so that everyone is safe and everything runs to plan.
- Taking photos on hard to reach or uneven ground - assess the area for unseen hazards and take your time to reach the area. Make sure people have full concentration throughout.
- Taking photos near roads - Be constantly aware of traffic, don't get too close to the roads or do anything that could be dangerous.
- Weather when taking photos outside - Make sure everyone wears suitable clothing as you can be outside for a long period of time.
- Rain- Ground can be wet and unpredictable to work on, equipment may get damaged
- USB lead for camera- Can be unreliable as leads for the cameras from school are often broken, double check its in good condition.
- Permission- Some areas you will need permission before taking photos.
- Unpredicted problems- always have a back up plan of what to do if something happens to prevent you taking photos e.g) Unpredicted bad weather, think of a suitable place to take photos in doors.
- Taking photos within school- Ensure you take photos at a time when there are few people around e.g. Not at lunch or break.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
23. Recce
As preparation for my final magazine, me and two friends travelled around school taking photos of backgrounds that caught my eye. I'm going to use one of these backgrounds as part of a 'draft magazine'. I found it hard to vary the types of photos that i took because of the limited amount of areas available. For my final magazine however, i will make sure that i will use a different background, that will definitely catch the readers eye.
This is one of the first photos I took, there are parts I particularly like and parts I don't. I like the wire fence that you can see in the foreground, i think its quirky and not something you would typically see as a magazine background. This fits in with the answers from the questionnaire I took a while ago.. Fans expect a magazine to fit with their personality trates, pictures should be quirky and stand out just like they do. I also think it resembles the natural feel a few of the people i questioned mentioned that they would expect. However on the negative side, I think that when an artist is placed infront of the wire, it will no longer stand out. Meaning that it will then be less noticable compared to other magazines.
This is another photo I took, again i there are aspects I like and dislike. I think if this was used as a background the connotations behind it would be 'edgyness' and originality. I think it would look really good with the artist in brightly coloured, blocked clothing as it will stand out. However, i think this will be a popular choice due to the fact that the options for backgrounds were limited. I'm reluctant to choose something that a lot of people will also be doing.
This photo appealed to me because i could imagine a model standing in the centre of the path. This background wouldnt distract from the model but it would still be eyecatching. However I think that the school in the background ruins the shot and makes it look unprofessional.
As preparation for my final magazine, me and two friends travelled around school taking photos of backgrounds that caught my eye. I'm going to use one of these backgrounds as part of a 'draft magazine'. I found it hard to vary the types of photos that i took because of the limited amount of areas available. For my final magazine however, i will make sure that i will use a different background, that will definitely catch the readers eye.
This is one of the first photos I took, there are parts I particularly like and parts I don't. I like the wire fence that you can see in the foreground, i think its quirky and not something you would typically see as a magazine background. This fits in with the answers from the questionnaire I took a while ago.. Fans expect a magazine to fit with their personality trates, pictures should be quirky and stand out just like they do. I also think it resembles the natural feel a few of the people i questioned mentioned that they would expect. However on the negative side, I think that when an artist is placed infront of the wire, it will no longer stand out. Meaning that it will then be less noticable compared to other magazines.
This is another photo I took, again i there are aspects I like and dislike. I think if this was used as a background the connotations behind it would be 'edgyness' and originality. I think it would look really good with the artist in brightly coloured, blocked clothing as it will stand out. However, i think this will be a popular choice due to the fact that the options for backgrounds were limited. I'm reluctant to choose something that a lot of people will also be doing.
This photo appealed to me because i could imagine a model standing in the centre of the path. This background wouldnt distract from the model but it would still be eyecatching. However I think that the school in the background ruins the shot and makes it look unprofessional.
Friday, 2 March 2012
22. Idea For Cover
Cover idea
As part of my research, i looked at a book full of magazine covers that have been used throughout the years. I came across this cover of 'i-d' magazine. It really caught my eye because of the lack of 'tag lines'. The only thing the cover displays, is the barcode,price and name. I think this style could work for my magazine, as i have a niche target audience. My readers would re-purchase the magazine, and would be loyal, so the idea of having tag lines would be as much of a necessity. I wouldn't have to attract readers with competitions or a cheap price.
21. Uses & Gratifications
Uses & Gratifications
The theorist Mcquail (1983) stated four reasons for media use, these were;
Looking at my NME magazine I analysed previously, i can deconstruct and evaluate these.
"finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings,society and the world"- Relevant events concerning music are things such as upcoming music festivals, gigs and concerts. NME magazine ensured that advertisments for furture gigs were a part of the magazine.
"satisfying curiosity and general interest"
- Readers will be curious about new bands, and so NME makes sure it provides features that include these up and coming bands. In addition the demographic will be interested in the sub-genres within a genre or also completely different genres. NME provides for this demographic by including features about different variations of the genre alongside the completely different genres.
"learning; self education"
NME aims to broaden readers knowledge of music whether its been released in the past or the near future. In this particular issue a "100 greatest albums you've never heard" has been included, this reflects the ideas and self education.
Personal Identity
"Identifying with valued others (in the media)"
-Readers have always idolised people seen in the media, typically those in the music industry.They aspire for their own style and behaviour to reflect their idols, to gain more knowledge they look at music magazines for inspiration.
Intergration and Social Interaction
"Identifying with others and gaining a sense of belonging"Music has developed through the years so that now listening to a particular genre almost means that you are a particular type of person eg/ indie listeners are relaxed,intelligent and fun loving. Music magazines allow readers to relate to each other through articles so that they feel others have the same ethos of their own. This creates a sense of belonging as they feel similar to others,
"Finding a basis for conversation and social interaction"
This reflects the same ideas I've just stated, after reading the magazine it gives the reader a topic of conversation to talk to others about.
"Escaping or being diverted from problems"
"Relaxing and filling time"
"Erotic/Sexual Arosal"People read magazines in order to be entertained as well as being informed. It provides a distraction for the readers if they are worried or have any problems. In addition reading the magazine fills time and allows them to relax.Finally the magazine will be filled with artists that readers will be attracted to and appeal to them.
The theorist Mcquail (1983) stated four reasons for media use, these were;
- Information
- Personal Identity
- Integration and Social Interaction
- Entertainment
Looking at my NME magazine I analysed previously, i can deconstruct and evaluate these.
"finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings,society and the world"- Relevant events concerning music are things such as upcoming music festivals, gigs and concerts. NME magazine ensured that advertisments for furture gigs were a part of the magazine.
"satisfying curiosity and general interest"
- Readers will be curious about new bands, and so NME makes sure it provides features that include these up and coming bands. In addition the demographic will be interested in the sub-genres within a genre or also completely different genres. NME provides for this demographic by including features about different variations of the genre alongside the completely different genres.
"learning; self education"
NME aims to broaden readers knowledge of music whether its been released in the past or the near future. In this particular issue a "100 greatest albums you've never heard" has been included, this reflects the ideas and self education.
Personal Identity
"Identifying with valued others (in the media)"
-Readers have always idolised people seen in the media, typically those in the music industry.They aspire for their own style and behaviour to reflect their idols, to gain more knowledge they look at music magazines for inspiration.
Intergration and Social Interaction
"Identifying with others and gaining a sense of belonging"Music has developed through the years so that now listening to a particular genre almost means that you are a particular type of person eg/ indie listeners are relaxed,intelligent and fun loving. Music magazines allow readers to relate to each other through articles so that they feel others have the same ethos of their own. This creates a sense of belonging as they feel similar to others,
"Finding a basis for conversation and social interaction"
This reflects the same ideas I've just stated, after reading the magazine it gives the reader a topic of conversation to talk to others about.
"Escaping or being diverted from problems"
"Relaxing and filling time"
"Erotic/Sexual Arosal"People read magazines in order to be entertained as well as being informed. It provides a distraction for the readers if they are worried or have any problems. In addition reading the magazine fills time and allows them to relax.Finally the magazine will be filled with artists that readers will be attracted to and appeal to them.
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