Friday 20 January 2012

2. Focus Groups

Today we met three focus groups, which varied in age and gender. We ensured that they were different so that the information we gathered was unbiased and related to the target audience of the magazine.

The year 7's wanted:

  •  Celebrities on the cover and within the magazine (in particular one direction).
  • Information on events coming up within school.
  • Humorous pieces that involved making fun of teachers.
  • Students achievements within & outside of school.
  • 'Give aways' such as vouchers for the school canteen.
  • Information on new books in the library.
  • Information on Revision lesssons.
  • Horroscopes and games
  • An Agony Aunt
  • Information at the canteen
  • The colour scheme to be bright and vary monthly.
  • It to be released on a monthly basis.
The teachers wanted:
  • The focus to be on students & parents.
  • Involve students work.
  • Involve students opinions.
  • The front cover to have a particular interest in a person or event.
  • A colour scheme reflecting house/school colours.
  • How the school is effected by a change in laws.
  • Polls.
  • Vox pops.
  • Light hearted jokes.
  • An editors letter.
  • A cartoon comic strip
  • Lower/Upper school sections 
  • Adverts
  • It to be released on a termly basis.
The sixth form boys wanted:
  • More pictures than text.
  • Bright and bold colours.
  • Attractive people on the front cover.
  • Vouchers for the canteeen.
  • Information on the canteen.
  • Focus on Football academy and the Football scores.
  • Cartoon comic strips.
  • Reviews.
  • Events.
  • Discounts/ vouchers.

After analysing the information gathered, its obvious that ideas such as vouchers for the canteen, comic strips, events information and students achievments are popular. Where as there's disgreement with  how often it should be released, we will have to work out which is the best amount of time to realease a magazine in. Also there is conflict between colour schemes, the boys and year 7's wanted bright colours that had conotations of fun, whereas staff wanted a more contempory feel with school and house colours being a theme.

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